The activities of the Chiefs of Ontario are guided by the Leadership Council in response to mandates given by the Chiefs in Assembly.

The purpose of the Chiefs of Ontario office is to enable the Provincial-Territorial Organization’s (PTOs) and Independent First Nations to discuss and decide on regional, provincial, federal and national priorities affecting First Nations and to provide a unified voice on these issues. The main objectives of the Chiefs of Ontario office is to facilitate the discussion, planning, implementation, coordination and evaluation of all local, regional, provincial, federal and national matters affecting the First Nations in Ontario.

Read the Terms of Reference: Health Coordination Unit (HCU) Terms of Reference – October 2018

Health Coordination Unit (HCU) Members

Member Name Affiliation
Georgina Lentz Nishnawbe-Aski Nation
Suzanne Nicholas Association of Iroquois & Allied Indians
Lyndia Jones Independent First Nations
Jamie Restoule Anishinabek Nation
Tassanee Weese Grand Council Treaty #3
Lori Davis Hill Six Nations of the Grand River